Sunday, September 23, 2007

dear blog

today i just added the definitions and functions fo the different types of expansion cards and made it wayyy more deatailed because mr lennon told me to. now i jst have to edit the nfuture of the motherboards because danielle jst reasearched it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

dear blog

today i am checking up on our wiki to make sure nothong has accidently deleted as it has happened in the past.i am also try to add more pictures to make the wikis more appealing.
i am not 100% sure if we need a bibliography so i will check the assignment sheet just incase.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

dear blog

today i just finished the functions of and expansion card
all that is left is to go over the wikis and make sure everything is completed.
i just to to add around 4 more posts

what is a motherboard

A motherboard is the central or primary circuit board making up a complex electronic system, such as a modern computer. It is also known as a mainboard, baseboard, system board, or, on Apple computers, a logic board, and is sometimes abbreviated as mobo.The basic purpose of the motherboard, like a backplane, is to provide the electrical and logical connections by which the
othercomponents of the system communicate.

this is the other definition i added to our first wiki
the other definition is what is an expansion card which is located in another post

dear blOg

today im adjusting and fixing up the wiki pages
by adding pictures and adjusting the fonts.
also i am goiing to add the parts and functions fo an expansion card.
the assignment is due tomorow therfore must complete the wikis today

Thursday, September 13, 2007


i just completed the first question of our assignment
which was
what is a mother board and what is an expansion card.
i completed the first page of our wiki which has the defintions.=]
i also added pictures to the definitions.

Dear Blog

dearr blog
hello today im going to extend and add the information about expansion cards, which as i said below are the daughters of motherboards.

Monday, September 3, 2007


today i am going to add information about expansion cards
which are totally related to motherboards.
people consider them to be the daughters or motherboards
because they have the same function
except ones larger then the other.
i have created a wiki and add a poll to my blogger.